Monthly Webinars

Community Discussions

2nd Wednesday of the month 2 p.m. EST / 11 a.m. PST

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August 14, 2024 @ 2 pm ET / 11 am PT

RRCoP - Then and Now| Assessment

Presented by: Carolyn Ellis, Arizona State University and Erik Deumens, University of Florida

The proposal for a Regulated Research Community of Practice was submitted to NSF in early January 2021. At that time, we had completed 2 of 6 mini-workshops of the Regulated Research Workshop Series.  Join us for a walk down memory lane, and a glimpse into how things are different today than they were in 2020. We'll touch on our primary goals and what has happened to support them.

Past Presentations

For full descriptions, download meeting notes, and recordings 

Institutional Showcase | Community relationships and collaboration opportunities; Establish Community Inventory; Surface Community Needs; Help emerging centers through CoP and discover mentoring opportunities 

Researcher Focused Session | Strengthen relationships with impacted domain researcher; Gather feedback on their interests from the community; Develop collaboration opportunities

Training Topic | Establishing Community Inventory; Develop Community Skills; Address gaps missing at the institutional level

Strategic Partnership | Dedicated time to the partners to hear from the community

All Hands Meeting | Addressing updates from Academic and Industry

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Categories of Community Discussion

Over the period between 2022–2024, RRCoP is committed to delivering sessions with different areas of focus. Below is the categories, total number of sessions, and a brief description of the content delivered at these meetings.