RRCoP Resource Sheet
Regulated Research Community of Practice (RRCoP) Resource Sheet
Primary Resources
RRCoP: www.regulatedresearch.org
Trusted CI - https://www.trustedci.org/
Monthly Webinar Recordings: https://www.regulatedresearch.org/monthly-webinars/rrcop-recordings-and-presentations or attend webinars https://www.regulatedresearch.org/monthly-webinars
Get Involved!
Join the Mailing List: https://www.regulatedresearch.org/join
HigherEdCUI Slack Community (~1000 members and growing) – please name yourself with your institution FIRST LAST (Institution) https://join.slack.com/t/higheredcui/shared_invite/zt-5f81k2he-76Prue4J_P8TunGAeySQfg
Advocating – Share your Use Cases: https://www.regulatedresearch.org/advocacy/perspectives
Community Developed Resources
Trusted CI Framework - https://www.trustedci.org/framework
Regulated Research Workshop Series output: Higher Education Regulated Research: A Collective Perspective Learn about the 6 major pillars of each of our regulated research programs and how to leverage existing resources for moving each of those forward.
Advanced System Security Plan writing workshop deliverable: (if not an EDUCAUSE member, please email info@regulatedresearch.org ) 43 of the 110 controls created as a baseline for your own depth of information contained in your System Security Plans.
Purdue End-To-End CUI Workflow deliverables: https://www.regulatedresearch.org/resources/peer-practices/purdues-end-to-end-cui-workflows
“A Day with the CMMC Assessors” Workshop Report http://www.regulatedresearch.org/resources/peer-practices/cmmcassessor24
Awareness of Research Institution Use Cases
Highlighting the impact of federal regulations on the higher education research enterprise https://www.regulatedresearch.org/advocacy/advocating-influencing
Documenting our Use Cases https://www.regulatedresearch.org/advocacy/perspectives